Saturday, March 21, 2009

March 14-16, 2006: Arrival to Delhi, India

My father and I boarded our flight from Salt Lake City, Utah to Delhi, India on the afternoon of Saturday the 14th of March. We had layovers in Denver, Colorado and Frankfurt, Germany. Perhaps the most interesting part of the journey was watching an Indian movie during our light called "Rock On". It was about a band in India called "magik" that broke up and after 10 years came back together. The plot was fairly lame but the mixture of English and the native language created an interesting dialog relationship. The use of English was only for modern sayings and catchy one-liners.

After arriving in Delhi at 1:00am we went straight to our hotel. As I walked to our taxi I tried to take in the smell of India. Sure it was a little unique but I didn't find it as bad as some of the stories that had been told to me. At the same moment that I was having this thought and taking in a deep breath we passed an area that reeked of urine. I guess that is what I get for breathing too heavily!

Sleeping the first night was not an easy chore। After a couple of hours we were up and ready to go। The only problem was it was only 5:00am। Adjusting to the 11 and 1/2 hour time change may take a while.

Welcome to India!
वेल्कोमे तो इंडिया!

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